Saturday, June 11, 2005

Not So Easy...

The weather is warming up and it is becoming more uncomfortable to workout. Not that the weather will stop me. LOL

Fell off the wagon last weekend... I had ice cream, a Long Island Ice Tea (what is it about warmer weather that just makes those SO much better?) and a small assortment of carb-filled products. By Monday morning I was up a couple of pounds and it has taken me all the way until today (Saturday) to lose the extra two (probably water weight) and knock down two more.

I'm back on track for my 4th of July goal... which was a 20 pound weight loss. It's just not easy sticking with this in the summer, especially when I am completely craving frozen yogurt, smoothies from Jamba Juice, and the dreaded banana split. I'm having a bit of a tough time with it.

Still the two pounds down definitely inspires me to stick with it all the more.

What I find most confusing is the amount of carbs in berries, yet berries are filled with antioxidants and the show "Low Carb and Lovin' It" on FoodTV has had a couple of recipes using blueberries and strawberries. Summer is tough time NOT to enjoy all the fresh produce around us and this is such a great time to indulge in berries (if they are ok on a low-carb diet).

So, I guess I'll have to research that and figure it out.

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